See new 3D LCAD95 modelling


Jan. 26, 2003
Copyright ©

Dansk / danish

Transformation Online

'Transformation module' above works only if Java is enabled in a newer browser.

Results are very exact, but there is no guarantee on these Transformations Online. Where possible, they have been tested against results from KmsTrans 1998. If you compare results elsewhere, there must be found no differences, even in mm, or an error was found.

Of special interest, for the none Danish visitor at this site, are the very exact UTM <-> Geographical transformations, that are used all over the world. There has been very little testing on the south side of the globe, thou!

Observe that it has only been possible to make these transformations online on the Internet, because we in LCAD Team use our own code from the bottom up and not a fixed KMS Transformation DLL module.

Remember that polynomials (System 34 / 45) can't be used outside their natural limits, this is not controlled here. Only DKS, KP2000 and UTM <-> Geographical do not use polynomials and these transformations are usable from equator to the pole at a distance of approximately 4500 km from the center meridian.

If you would like Datum shift ED50 <-> EUREF89 with KMS geoid models or something more complex, you can use LCAD95.