See new 3D LCAD95 modelling


Jan. 26, 2003
Copyright ©

Dansk / danish

History of the Landmaal Site.

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Nov. 9, 2001. Another new menu at the left side, this time text and a bit more professional with a CSS stylesheet and some darker blue buttons. The direct SMS message system, on the start page, has been out of order for some time, but should be working again.

Aug. 30, 2001. New general 'Find', placed to the lower left at every page, working through a Google link. You can choose between seeking the whole Internettet (WWW) or the Landmaal site only.

Aug. 24, 2001. New possibility, on the Landmaal Start page, for direct immediately contact to Ulrik Hansen, LCAD Team. You type in the message, maximum 130 letters, type in the 'Remittent' and press 'Send'. The message is received immediately by SMS on a mobile phone and if online, an answer is send in a few minutes. Is usable mostly by the LCAD users. In a short time, it will be possible to se, and thereby be able to send an E-mail directly to mobile phone.

Aug. 6, 2001. New design on the Landmaal site - all pages now by SSI (Server Side Include). There are no longer used a frame window in the top, and the menu is made of graphical bottoms in the left side. The /LCAD site has been cleaned up with some 3D graphic on all pages, But there are still missing an completely diversion of the site in several more pages.

Feb. 13. 2001. Under the Landmaal WAP site have been added search of 'Ejerlav' or Post districts in Denmark. Under 'Ejerlav' you fill a part of the 'ejerlav' code or the 'ejerlav' description and a list with the result is shown. Under Post districts you fill in a part of the postal code or part of the postal name or in Copenhagen it is even possible to use a part of a street name.

Feb. 7. 2001. Under Transformation Online have been created 2 new transformations between S45B System 45 Bornholm and UTM zone 32 Datum ED50. The previous transformations, at instead UTM zone 33, have been moved to the bottom of the dropdown list with transformations. The new polynomials are from 1998 KMS, where the earlier by zone 33 likely are from 1994 KMS, and these are tested to be only a few mm different from the newer polynomials.

- There are now 8 transformations ready under - the WAP trans part. These can handle transformations between UTM32 ED50 and DK system 34 / 45, but soon there will probably arrive some more transformations. We at The LCAD Team would be pleased to hear from users tests on WAP telephones.

Dec. 10. 2000. The LCAD Team has created a WAP on the Landmaal site under the file name, where it in the near future is possible to those among:
Find DK surveyor.
Transformation Online.
True North / Azimuth.

Nov. 1. 2000. We are now using SSI (Server Side Include) for the most files on and therefore the file endings SHTML. For example the side menu and the copyright uses SSI files, that makes the maintenance a lot easier. The sites history is always available by clicking on the date at the copyright at the bottom of every window.

- Some testing of CGI has been started under and the meaning is that something useful will be the return of that later on.

Oct. 25. 2000. Expanded the most places to make the Landmaal site using 2 languages: English and Danish. I guess that not 1 percent on the Internet understand Danish and the Landmaal number of visitors from foreign countries are getting bigger, and therefore something had to be done. You change easily by clicking on the American and Danish flag, that is always visible in the upper right corner of the language pages. You are very welcome to point out errors in the translated texts or to come with other suggests.

- There have been added several new graphics / pictures on the lcad, lemvig and ikast sites lately.

Sep. 1. 2000. Corrected in module Tic-Tac-Toe. Actually we found out, that it has never been working correctly on the Internet. Now the functions of both graphics and sound are working correctly.

Aug. 12. 2000. Reduced and removed some pages / functions on the site and moved others. The history is now shown on this page by itself and 'Seeking work' and 'The Landmaal Web motel' are leaving us because the users interest wasn't big enough.

May 28. 2000. New True North / Azimuth calculations in UTM, System 34 / 45, Kp2000 and DKS.

May 26. 2000. A lot of new Kp2000, Geo - UTM, DKS and System34 / 45 transformations and new separations of some pages on this site.

May 25. 2000. Made the cursor more accurate on the main DK map, moved some positions, fixed some minor errors, placed aarhus4 and holbaek2 correctly on the map now, and aalborg6 has changed its name to aalborg1.

May 23. 2000. Blocked from the early morning because of to many visitors on the site by means of a promoting E-mail. Made corrections in Java modules, because the companies own WEB addresses weren't among the information shown.

- The module Find DK surveyor has been changed in that way, that all wanted surveyors are shown after the seek is completed. Fill in ex. Haderslev and ENTER and all DK surveyors in Haderslev are shown immediately, without the need to press the button 'All'.

- Expanded the room for showing text in the DK MAP module on the start page and there have been a few other changes on some pages.

- Reduced drastically the size of the LANDMAAL 'rotator' at the top of the Start page. Makes loading and start of the site much faster. The Java modules can take some time to initiate in the browsers on older computers, but download of these are fast, if you are not trying at the exact time with a lot of Internet traffic.

- Remember that we are a simple private site, that simply offers a small amount of service and using some links to existing sites. We could have chosen to include just a few selected companies, but chose instead to show as many as possible, that make some small problems in towns, where more than one company is found.

Apr. 7. 2000. This site has been started right now as a test to offer some service within everything concerning Survey. You move easily around the pages on the site by choosing in the top menu or the side menu or clicking at links. Today we have moved from a private TeleDanmark site to our own Web hotel (at Netsite) and have thereby gained some advantages, that we will try to use the best way possible. You are welcome to come with suggestions and all kind of comments to the new site. When we get some time left over in The LCAD Team, The Landmaal site will be expanded and a lot.

Feb. 12. 2000. The WWW.LANDMAAL.DK site is created with just a few things.